What to visit on Corvo Island
3 locais a visitar within 5 km
As Corvo Island is the smallest island of the Azores Archipelago, you don't have many options of what to visit or where to go, don't forget that the island has only one road with 8 km, but the little there is to visit is not to be missed. .
See the information we provide on the places to visit on Corvo Island
Church of Our Lady of Miracles of Vila Nova do Corvo

a 0.1 Km
Vila do Corvo . Ilha do Corvo
Old nucleus of the Vila do Corvo

a 0.1 Km
Vila do Corvo . Ilha do Corvo
The Cauldron Lagoon of Crow Island

a 4,3 Km
Vila do Corvo . Ilha do Corvo